TATri Hari Om
Throughout my Life there have been signs that were announcing the arrival of our SatguruMa Ji. Among them I want to share with you a dream that I had 13 years ago in the summer of 2006 while doing the Camino de Santiago for its Portuguese route. It engraved itself on me in such a resounding way as if I were to relive it every time I remember it. Let me tell you:
"I see myself in front of a painting as an orthodox icon. Jesus crucified appears in the center. On his left, Mary his mother and on the right John (the beloved disciple). My gaze goes to the figure of Mary. Suddenly the icon disappears and I see a painting of the very luminous Mother. I do not see her with definition but she is dressed in white. This painting starts to swing against the wall and I am astonished inside the dream. It impresses me. Next I'm telling the experience to a friend of mine and she tells me that it is a sign of the Mother. That the Mother protects me. Then I see this painting again with a certain distance and semi-lateral vision. From it I see coming out a man dressed in white with long dark hair falling on his shoulders. It would resemble the face that is usually shown of Maha Avatar Babaji. He sticks a jump from the altar in front of the painting and approaches me transformed into a young woman with short hair. I contemplate the whole scene, stupefied. I do not believe what I see. She very smiley and as if she controlled the whole scene starts talking to me. We are sitting on the floor in a space with many people ahead that looks at a point in the distance very luminously. As if it were the main altar or the central place of that meeting. She tells me: "I've been searching, searching and they told me about a young man who had painted some paintings for the Church of San José Obrero de Sevilla and looking for, I've found you." She spoke to me jovially. Very determined and I hallucinated. In all this I reflect for myself in the dream: "Will it be Babaji?" She tells me: "I am the Lord of All the Universes and I am madly in love with you." This phrase has been recorded in me. It reached my soul. Then I see some women who are in front of us whispering to each other. They laugh at me with a sideway glance and I realize they don't see the young woman I'm talking to. They think I'm talking to myself. I am full of strength and security: “have you never seen a madman speak out loud?”. This young woman then shows me a black-and-white photo of an American Indian and when I see this photo I realized that I have a distinguished Hindu in my back. My palms are attached to his palms. He looks like a prince. He has a white turban. Dark beard and wearing a kind of white coat that reaches his knees and a baggy red pants. I can not see his face clearly. As I became aware of him I woke up".
In my deep feeling our SatguruMa Ji and Maha Avatar Bábaji are ONE and this dream I had many years ago before knowing about the existence of our Mataji was an announcement of his Presence and arrival in my Life
The Avatar was going to come to me in the form of a woman... Jai Ho TATri Mata Shree Ki!!
"I see myself in front of a painting as an orthodox icon. Jesus crucified appears in the center. On his left, Mary his mother and on the right John (the beloved disciple). My gaze goes to the figure of Mary. Suddenly the icon disappears and I see a painting of the very luminous Mother. I do not see her with definition but she is dressed in white. This painting starts to swing against the wall and I am astonished inside the dream. It impresses me. Next I'm telling the experience to a friend of mine and she tells me that it is a sign of the Mother. That the Mother protects me. Then I see this painting again with a certain distance and semi-lateral vision. From it I see coming out a man dressed in white with long dark hair falling on his shoulders. It would resemble the face that is usually shown of Maha Avatar Babaji. He sticks a jump from the altar in front of the painting and approaches me transformed into a young woman with short hair. I contemplate the whole scene, stupefied. I do not believe what I see. She very smiley and as if she controlled the whole scene starts talking to me. We are sitting on the floor in a space with many people ahead that looks at a point in the distance very luminously. As if it were the main altar or the central place of that meeting. She tells me: "I've been searching, searching and they told me about a young man who had painted some paintings for the Church of San José Obrero de Sevilla and looking for, I've found you." She spoke to me jovially. Very determined and I hallucinated. In all this I reflect for myself in the dream: "Will it be Babaji?" She tells me: "I am the Lord of All the Universes and I am madly in love with you." This phrase has been recorded in me. It reached my soul. Then I see some women who are in front of us whispering to each other. They laugh at me with a sideway glance and I realize they don't see the young woman I'm talking to. They think I'm talking to myself. I am full of strength and security: “have you never seen a madman speak out loud?”. This young woman then shows me a black-and-white photo of an American Indian and when I see this photo I realized that I have a distinguished Hindu in my back. My palms are attached to his palms. He looks like a prince. He has a white turban. Dark beard and wearing a kind of white coat that reaches his knees and a baggy red pants. I can not see his face clearly. As I became aware of him I woke up".
In my deep feeling our SatguruMa Ji and Maha Avatar Bábaji are ONE and this dream I had many years ago before knowing about the existence of our Mataji was an announcement of his Presence and arrival in my Life
The Avatar was going to come to me in the form of a woman... Jai Ho TATri Mata Shree Ki!!
(Carlos Becerra Luna)
Doc.nro: 28775543J
(Carlos Becerra Luna)
Doc.nro: 28775543J
I have been a witness and I am of the intimate relationship that you have with Life and nature... I am a witness in myself, through my relationship as a disciple to my SatGuruMa.
To feel and have experienced Unity with Life... lack of fear... and Certainty of the Heart: of Being Guided by Her Eternal, Divine and Omnipresent Spirit!
I am witness in myself, of all this, with my inner and outer senses, of having experienced in Divine manifestations, spiritual Liberations, and a number of what we recognize as: “TATri Miracles”.
I am witness in myself, of all this, with my inner and outer senses, of having experienced in Divine manifestations, spiritual Liberations, and a number of what we recognize as: “TATri Miracles”.
Everything declared above, I have verified by myself.
May everything be for the Glory of the Supreme God, through our Divine Mother.
May all be for the Glory of the Supreme God incarnated in the Divine Mother.
May everything be for the Glory of the Supreme God, through our Divine Mother.
May all be for the Glory of the Supreme God incarnated in the Divine Mother.
(poem translated from spanish):
Sometimes I see your picture
and I got confused looking at you:
male and female
are instantly reflected...
You got me obsessed
with that broad smile
which are the gates of heaven
inviting me to continue...
I am you, and you are me
in a continuous symbiosis,
but I like to look at you...
you transmit me joy!...
Sometimes I see your picture
and I got confused looking at you:
male and female
are instantly reflected...
You got me obsessed
with that broad smile
which are the gates of heaven
inviting me to continue...
I am you, and you are me
in a continuous symbiosis,
but I like to look at you...
you transmit me joy!...

(María Dolores Chacón Perez)
Doc.Nro: 31993979J
with 'TATri TESTIMONY' in the Subject.
(*) The TATri Testimony must be NOT GREATER 630 words, the size of an A4 sheet.