TESTIMONY OF A TATri MIRACLE More, that only the Devotees close to the steps of our Divine Mother We can experience!
THE FEET "OF MATAJI" at the feet of the Divinity She represents!

I am Maha Cheli Bahuchara Bavani; direct devotee of SatguruMa Paramahansa Sadhvi TrideviJi who at the moment accompanied Her steps in Her TATri Seva around the world with great honor and gratitude to this God that I see in Her and I feel Him alive in me.

These days we are in Seville - Spain where Mataji has many devotees, as well as direct devotees who have had the blessing once again to receive Her with so much love in this Spanish land.

I want to share images and my testimony of one of the "Surprise" invitations to walk that our Gurumata proposes us from time to time.

As I said above, Mataji felt at that moment (as all the actions she does, and gives us the possibility to live them that way). As we walked and watched around us suddenly Mataji began to RUN toward a destination; we followed Her...

In the first image you see all those yellow grass which are like small, rather painful arrows when you touch them.

She walked barefoot all that way; In addition there were large and thick thorns. I was wearing sneakers and a thorn pierced me in a moment. There I saw Mataji's feet as She kept walking; I was impressed as I am when I'm by Her side.

In the second image there are Her feet WITHOUT any injury, puncture, nothing! Impeccables and soft!

I said "Mataji your feet! No thorns, no injuries!" and She answered me: "Yes my love, even though my plant was quite full of thorns".

Once again, God allows me to live TATri Miracles by Her side and be a witness to tell them, so that other beings can feel the Miracles that happen in the presence of my SatGuru!

Grateful, honored, happy and joyful to accompany your steps my beloved Mataji! To Eternity! !

PS: That place Mataji took us was where She performed a TATri Homa the first time She was in the TATri community of Spain; almost 3 years ago. She went to reverence Her God through the trees which sheltered Her in that last rite of fire.


Maha Cheli Bahuchara Bavani
(Carolina Correa)
DNI: 35.190.656




My name is Arya Devi and I was born in Argentina. I met Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Ma, known as Mataji, in 2017. As soon as I saw Her, I felt that my heart and body rejoiced recognizing Her Divinity. I only had eyes and energy for Her. 

When I got closer to Her and told Her about my state of life in those moments, I felt myself aligned: something internal opened and "unprotected" had healed. 

I have been working through painful feelings of anguish and abandonment since I was very young, and could not heal them even with other spiritual practices. Surprised, I told Her that I felt in one piece and that I never felt this way before. Happiness completely filled me.
I wanted to keep that treasure that I felt in the presence of Mataji and to keep feeling whole the following months in Her absence, but I did not succeed. That existential pain, either because of my own past or because of the human condition, and that feeling and thought of not wanting to be part of those illusions that leave the spirit behind made my pain stronger and more exhausting. I could not fit into any spiritual philosophy. 

Months later when I decided to go to one of Mataji's TATri detox retreats, my heart was pounding every time She approached. I asked Mataji to speak to Her alone and told Her that I felt that She was my SatGuru and She told me that She was, but that I had to understand this relationship by myself, so as not to be influenced by Her. Again, during a lunch together I felt myself aligned. I told Her that I felt that my heart was healing.

During those days I decided to follow as many meetings as possible to be at Her side and chose to participate in three TATri Adi Shakti (TATri Consciousness Retreats), a TATri Detox, and a TATri Padma Dhyana Open Mind, (TATri Meditative Attitude Technique) and thus I was at Her side every time that it was possible.

My heart always open and distressed in the past was now closed to pain and abandonment and with that emotional alignment the feeling of insecurity, guilt, sadness, and that life had no meaning all disappeared. With this statement, I am not saying that before I was living in a negative and depressed world- no! I always maintained the best possible attitude, but that was the way I was feeling along with physical energy and sickness.

All those emotional, mental, and physical states had changed radically for good.

Sadhvi Tridevi Ma talked to me about being free and using that freedom to be responsible in order to feel everything I really felt until that feeling or emotion ran out and made its way to the next step, as if leaving no trace. And to be aware of my actions and act when I really feel that "It is" the right time to do what I should, or want to do, but I will also observe ... and wait ... because if it is not the right moment, it will always be the perfect moment in the "Here and Now". Everything I do is to come from my heart without impositions since those impositions will end up not being effective, and "It would not last in time". And to be honest and genuine with what I feel and not focus on what I want to be. And to be responsible for what I do because what I generate has consequences and I have no right to affect others by my irresponsible actions. And to maintain a constant observation of my thoughts, emotions and feelings about what "occurs and goes on" while being fair and sincere with myself, without measuring and without judging. And to also be kind and fair with others without imposing my experiences, thoughts, and emotions onto them.

I can say today with deep emotion and certainty that it is not that "I am healing" as I have always said, but that I have healed and that I have begun a rising path towards my best and true self. And I know who I am and I understand what I feel because I “honor” myself and my genuine being. There is no longer guilt within me because I am not “what others pretend of me.” I am a whole woman and I have achieved what I was looking for: this tranquility, this feeling of being in genuine connection with myself at every moment "of this life that chooses me" as Guruji, Sadhvi Tridevi Ma says.

I am eternally grateful.

Aum Bagavate Trideviye Namaha!
Jay Adi Shakti ma Ki !!
Jay TATri Mata Shree !!!

Maha Bhakti Arya Devi
Flavia Maucci 
DNI 13.677.324             


My name is Sidhartha. This is the name that Mataji, Satguru Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Ji, my Guruji has given me.

I had the blessing of meeting Mataji on August of 2013.August­. I remember very clearly the sensations and emotions I experienced when I saw her for the first time. Her presence instantly quieted my mind, I felt a magnetic attraction towards her throughout my whole body and I was flooded with a feeling of joy and fulfilment.

Since that moment my whole Being has rested in her certainty. As many TATri brothers and sisters have said, Mataji has resignified my whole life in ways words cannot describe. She guides me in everything; both in her words as well as in her silences. She is my example. She showed me and taught me how to respect myself, how to care for myself, how to be compassionate to myself and how to be accountable for my own actions, physically or otherwise. She has taught me how to remove the drama from life itself and she has directly given me invaluable techniques to live a life full of joy and fulfilment. She has taught me how to live in a conscious, responsible and compassionate way and with love to life itself.

Together we my wife and son, Maya Devi and Sadheva, who are also devotees of Mataji, we are in the midst of migrating from Argentina to New Zealand. Mataji has been the certainty that sustains us before all the things we’ve had to go through and through all the decision we’ve had to make.

One consequence of choosing to migrate has been that we have been physically separated from one another for several months. Mataji has been with at every step we have taken. It is thanks to Her that we can focus on what really matters and is important to us. It is thanks to her that we understand that the physical distance between us is only temporary and that it makes us stronger, both individually and as a family.

During this process we have also experience many TATri miracles. Our choice to go down this path came to be in what was a complex economic and financial context for us. We always rested in the hands and certainty of Mataji. She taught us that our decision would naturally carry risks; but that those risks weren’t neither good nor bad. And that no matter what, nobody could ever take away from us what we would learn and comprehend by living with a conscious and observing attitude.

At every step we have sought to exhaust every possibility within our reach. Like Mataji always tell us, we must exhaust all possibilities within our reach and then rest in the certainty that we have done so. That is how we have adjusted our budget time and time again to take every step along the way. That is how we have faced the search of a job that would facilitate our visas and enable us to migrate together, as family. That is how we have been able to go through all the difficult moment of uncertainty and despair we’ve had. And that is how we always make an effort to observe ourselves and live in the present moment.

If it weren’t for the presence of Mataji in our lives, we would be lost in our own drama. We would have never had the courage to do what we are doing. We wouldn’t have been able to go through the uncertainty we felt so many times in past few months.

When we didn’t have money, we would do as Mataji taught us and we would accommodate our budget to our possibilities at that time; and then, unexpected temporary sources of income appeared that helped us materialize our intentions.

When we weren’t able to procure a job offer, Mataji reminded us that we had to exhaust all possibilities. And so it was, that by doing everything within our reach, a job appear came to be shortly after.
When the money wasn’t enough to cover all the necessary expenses, Mataji reminded us to do the best we can with what we’ve got. Shortly after that, we were able to resolve our economic difficulties.

Words will never be enough, nor will they ever be able to describe the love and gratitude we have for Mataji. My mind cannot conceive life without her presence in it. Although I’m not close to Mataji’s everyday life or her Seva, I feel so close to Her and I feel Her deep within me. Her love, and energy are with me at every step and every breath I take.


Sidhartha (Lair Rozenszajn)
DNI 31.763.039

Om TATri Om

I am Maha Bhakti Maya Devi, direct devotee of our Paramahansa SatguruMa Sadhvi TrideviJi, and wife and TATri companion of Sidartha. The day we told Mataji about our desire she gave us her blessing. That blessing, HER certainty, was the impulse to begin to materialize this project, by her hand always, with the conscience of each one, always using the TATri Vidya and her tools as an aid, we begun this project.

Sidartha traveled to look for work and I stayed with our son Sadheva.

The 1st TATri Miracle was that he found a job 2 months after arriving as a gift on his birthday. Mataji told us "You had an INCREDIBLE TATri Miracle for your trust in the heart and the certainty of your Guruji my love! Stay firm and confident beyond form!"

Happy and guided by her we received a second TATri Miracle on the day of Guru Purnima: we didn't have enough money to be able to enter a house when we arrive, therefore we asked my family. When I spoke to them, they expressed to me that it was a very high amount for them, that they are going to give me something but not that much. I spoke to Mataji at the same moment and she told me to accept what they can give me, and express to them that beyond the amount, I am greatful for everything they have always given me, little or a lot, and what they can give me will be enough. Also Mataji asked me: "How much is the total, my love, so that I can send you energy precisely?"

I did what she told me and surrendered myself to her certainty 100%. That day, I had half of the money we needed and a few days later the other half. The learning was incredible! As Mamaji told me "money is not money for those who do not overvalue it, it is energy"

There are no words that express all the love I feel for my SatguruMa. There are not enough thanks. Surrendered to your certainty, my heart beats for you in your hands !!! I love you!!!

Maya Devi (Luciana Bruschtein)

DNI: 31.877.724

Sidhartha, Maya Devi and 
the little Sadheva
(Lair Rozenszajn, Luciana Bruchstein
and Simon)

with 'TATri TESTIMONY' in the subject.

(*) TATri Testimonies MUST NOT BE MORE THAN  630 words, or an A4 size sheet.