This December 2019, on Her recent visit to Sweden, our SATGURUMA has appointed MAHA BHAKTA ATMA DEV: TATri VIDYA ACHARYA, the only devotee until this moment Authorized by Mataji through Her Diksha to transmit TATri Vidya in resonance with Her heart and sensibility.
In addition, he has received the Honorary Spiritual Degree within the Order of LALITA TRIPURASUNDARI SARASWATHI, Order blessed by Our SATGURUMA and Her Guruji Shankaracharya Swaroopananda Saraswathi, the Degree of: Bramacharya Atmadevanand Saraswathi TATri. Being thus the first Bramacharya of the SARASWATHI TATri ORDER of the Nordic Countries and of Viking descent. In addition to Honorary Director of the TATri MATA VIDYA ASHRAM.
TATri VIDYA ACHARYA: is the one Who represents from his Devotional Love, the TATri Vidya of SatguruMA Sadhvi Tridevi ji. So that, through Her Diksha, he can channel from the heart of our Mataji the TATri Vidya that She IS.
JAY HO SHREE SHREE 1008 SATGURUMA PARAMAHANSA SADHVI TRIDEVI JI KI!!! 🙏🙏🙏Jay Ho Bramacharya AtmaDevanand Saraswathi TATri ki!!!