馃檹Om TATri Om馃檹

  On March 6, 2020, our Beloved SatgurujiMA, while she was in India, gave me the first writings of the Treatise of TATri Psycho-Logic so that I could check the spelling of it. (Mataji speaks Spanish perfectly, but wanted someone else to see it in case she was missing an accent to a word, etc.).

  When reading it, I was very impressed by the depth and at the same time the simplicity of the work. I had been familiar with the enneagram, for example, but this was truly superlative, without measure or comparison. A Philosophical Treatise on Psychology with a totally NEW and ORIGINAL approach, such as TATri is.

  (I am not going to dwell here on the content of the work, which is available to the general public, but on the process that accompanied it).

  In those days, Mataji was going through, in addition to her basic process (neurodegenerative disease), an infection that was diagnosed as a blood infection with high fevers. This caused fever of more than 40 °, cough, shortness of breath, headaches, in addition to other complaints. Due to a first misdiagnosis, Mataji spent 10 days taking the wrong antibiotic and then another 10 days with the new indicated antibiotic, both extremely strong... ALL OF THIS being much more than any mortal could bear.

  Writing day and night, with high fevers and with a precarious text editor, Mataji wrote the bulk of the book in 3 days. Then, she added some frameworks to make it even easier for the reader to understand and finally she added some draws, taking a total of 9 days to finish.

 At that time, I was following the whole process, since She was passing the writings to me as she was writing them. When she showed me the drawings she had made in pencil on a paperbook page, I noticed that they had a life of their own... they were NOT 'simple drawings'. Even in a video that she sent me to show me how the work was looking, I noticed that one of them 'moved by itself' on the page... and I commented to Mataji, who just laughed and said: "yes, you saw?"... It could not be otherwise, Shakti herself had created them... they have life and have an expressiveness that no other drawing I have ever seen can have.

  From the beginning, I felt that I wanted to have the book already printed, and at the same time that Mataji never finished writing it, to be able to continue this wonderful process of reading a new part of the work every day, which was illuminating my mind in such a way. amazing.

  But contrary to my wishes it was very fast, much faster than a 'normal' human being and under those conditions mentioned above could have done it.

  And the time came to look for a printer to print the finished book. At that time, we were in quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic and there were serious restrictions to leave and most of the shops were closed to the public.

  I started searching the web for printers that could do the job... Mataji from India suggested 3 printers. I wrote to the ones I had found, requesting a quote, and of the ones Mataji had sent me, there was one that was in La Plata (a town 60km from the capital), at first it seemed to me that it was very far and that I was not going to be able to go personally to order the work, that's why I did not write to this one but to the closest ones.

  As the others did not answer me or did not meet the necessary requirements, Mataji asked me, "Did you call everyone?" And I replied that I had not called the one in La Plata because it seemed very far away. Then Mataji told me: "Call, my love, because if I told you, it is for something. It is not far or near. If it has to be there, it will be there".

  I did it like that. Finally it turned out to be one of the few that responded and the one that best suited our needs... my mind had resisted because I was not going to be able to 'control' more closely all the details and avoid any possible 'conflict' that could arise. Once again the certainty and the relentless example of Mataji showed me how I should act.

  Mataji's textual words: "In TATri my love: You have to exhaust the tangible possibilities to your mind because for this you are incarnate in a body mind! (NOT FOR CONFLICTS) since if you have to have conflict, there will be more than what you "do" since the answer to your actions does not belong to you. And all you have to do is: IF YOU HAVE TO go to war (conflict) for failure to exhaust the possibility OF THE OTHER (for lack of responsibility of the other) YOU WILL BE IN PEACE and resting in the divine certainty in the hands of God!".

  I rested in the certainty of Mataji knowing that it was the best place to print the Great Treasure in my hands. The first print test was excellent. Mataji emphasized that it has to be of excellent quality, and it was. The first edition is already in its final phase and will be finished on the same date that Our Mataji sets foot on this blessed land since she came for the first time.

  Yet another TATri synchronicity.

 May this testimony remain as yet another sample of the Compassion and Love of our GurujiMA towards all humanity still asleep.


Maha Bhakti Maha Devi Dasi
(Eugenia Pisano)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
DNI 16.974.011