Om TATri om brothers, I want to share with you a new TATri testimony of the certainty that inhabits the steps of our SatguruMa: yesterday, April 28, 2020, at the same time that I open the file where Mataji indicates the places to be assigned the TATri masks in Bs As Community , I see the news on television, of which I share images, where it says that Flores is the place in the city where there are more cases of coronavirus, and Oh surprise! When I read the places indicated by Mataji, they belong to the same Commune 10, which among other neighborhoods includes Flores, Floresta. 

Once again your word my GODMATAJI is that of God incarnated  on this earth, here and now, words are too short for me to express your DIVINE JUSTICE and the certainty of your guidance and your indications always on time, in the RIGHT place and time, not before, not after... 

Once again, your certainty is my certainty Mamaji. 

Once again my ignorant human mind might be worthy of being the branch that is nourished by the root that gives it life, our sacred Mamaji. 

Oh Lord… Supreme God, Honor and uphold the Steps of Tridevi Maa as your representative on Earth.

Maha Bhakti Anandi Ma
(Adriana Alejandra Celso)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
DNI: 14.728.030


Om TATri Om

I wanted to share with everyone a TATri Miracle that has happened at the TATri Ashram in Ponferrada.

Today 07/13/2020 I have discovered in a painting dedicated to the Divine Mother made by me a few months ago perfect trickles that started from the right eye of the Mother. 

One from the center of the eye and one from the lacrimal. I felt something so beautiful to discover it !!

 I had been away from the TATri Ashram for a month to be with my family and it was on my return that I discovered this Divine Sign that was not there before. In fact, this work is completely finished and varnished.

 I feel in my heart that this miracle is related to the TATri Miracle of the Salt Tear that also happened months ago in the TATri Ashram: From the right eye of a photo of Mataji a tear of salt also arose from the tear.

It is such a great blessing to feel like the Divine Mother Our Mamaji gave me, gave all of us this Sign of her Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence... Jai MA !! 

Beyond the form She embraces the entire Earth and all its forms !! She is LIFE !! 

JAI MA !! 

TATri Maha Chela Akash Sanandana Das


Maha Chela Akash Sanandana Das
(Carlos Becerra Luna)
Ponferrada, España
DNI 28775543J


🙏💖Om TATri Om
I want to share a Testimony of a TATri MIRACLE that happened on the eve of the day of GURU PURNIMA.

Back in 2018 I attended a retreat at the TATri Mata Ashram in Necochea, at that time Mataji had donated to nearby devotees some of her belongings that She no longer was using. I had the great fortune and blessing of keeping with a pair of sandals (which until today they are in my altar) and a sweater and a pink scarf.

All this I carefully put into a purse, like a hand bag, that had also belonged to Mataji and I returned home with that great TREASURE.

Yesterday afternoon I was seeing something in my closet and I had the impulse to take the bag and open it and go back to see Mamaji's scarf that was stored there.

And what surprised me was that when I took it out, I saw 2 RUDRAS inside the wallet ... and at the moment I thought: 'there must be a third 3...' and indeed, the third one appeared... it couldn't be any other way!

Another gift from my SatguruMA TRIdevi ji !!!🌈🌺🌼

Needless to say, that I had NEVER seen them before, several times I had that bag in my hands and opened it many others... and I had never seen those rudras there... 

And significantly for me, finding them on the eve of Guru's Day was something very special!!! 

I was very excited and above all, once again confirm the presence of Mamaji in my life. It is something very strong and deep that cannot be put into words... 

May my mind surrender more and more to the certainty of my spirit that is my StgurujiMA that takes me from darkness to the Light, from ignorance to the Truth, from death to the Eternal Life.

Jay Ho TATri Mata Shree ki!!!


Maha Bhakti Maha Devi Dasi
(Eugenia Pisano)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
DNI 16.974.011


Om TATri Om, I´m Tara Devi, Maha Cheli and TATri Acharya of my SATGURUMAA PARAMAHANSA SADHVI TRIDEVIJI and I want to share the Testimony of a TATri MIRACLE that has happened in
TATri Mata Ashram NIDO during the celebrations of JAYANTI Of our SATGURUMA 🌸🌸🌸

Having had the honor of being able to prepare the special armchair for the celebration of the TATri Mata SHREE Jayanti, with the flower offerings of the devotees of the TATri Community Buenos Aires, as our Mamaji gave us the possibility to make, I felt leaving the chair armed for 14 more days.

 On the day I set out to disarm it with all that that implies on an energy level, for my BLESSED surprise, I found that the Sree Yantra of Tripura Sundari.

(Important detail: this item I bought in 2016 on my first trip to India with MAMAJI in the blessing of being able to accompany Her on Her Seva there, and to buy under HER suggestion, which I remember indicated to me that it would be very important that I always had it close, and it was so since then).

And when I went to accommodate him back at the altar at Mamaji's feet I see that there was something new there 👀😳👀... it looked like Salt and my mind said 😱😳😱 what's that?!?!?

 I sent a photo to Mamaji to show HER what I had found and SHE instructed me to taste it to see if it was salty, and so it was, I tasted and it was salty, and it was not only the materialization of the Salt in the Sree Yantra but the detail of where it was: 😱 at link number 9 😳😳😳.

My mind still does not take dimension of the blessing that all this means in my life😭😭😭, but once again I feel that it is INFINITE and that it goes beyond what I can express in words or what my ignorant human mind can understand 😭 She is the "Salt of My Life", in the literal sense of giving it "flavor" and "intensifying" EVERYTHING.

She is the REASON of my existence and the one that gives meaning to my life, today I said: Mamaji My life is Life, only if it is lived by YOU, serving you whatever, but at your service.

NEVER I'm going to forget that a few months after meeting Her, we were in her Belgrano ASHRAM, and She told me: "My love if you don't start "living" soon you're going to get sick", at that time I was quite malnourished (literally nutritionally) because I still didn't eat TATri as I started when I started being able to accompany Mamaji in HER service.

 I will never forget that feeling of what made me aware back then: I was only "existing", but I was a long way from living 😳😳😳, something I ONLY felt and feel when it is to serve you, THAT is, to live the TATri LIFE.

And today, finding that confirmation is but a symbol of the infinite Blessing which means to be able to serve you my GODMAMAJI, to be a Witness of God on Earth, from HER infinite compassion to HER Sons, to HER brothers on the planet, from HER Infinite LOVE to ALL beings of all worlds,

Mother who preserves Life Always, the Salt of our existence. The one that intensifies and gives SENSE to our lives. I only ask every day that my mind surrender to understand SUCH a blessing which is to be able to walk so close to your steps and witness them.

THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME LIFE, show me the TATri LIFE that YOU ARE and with which you rescue me Second to Second by intensifying every day LIVED at your side. 

Forever and eternal mind and heart at YOUR feet my GODMAMAJI. 




TATri Anna Acharya Maha Cheli Beti Tara Devi MAA
(Laura Mariela Sztutwojner)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
DNI: 33.768.165

with 'TATri TESTIMONY' in the subject.

(*) TATri Testimonies MUST NOT BE MORE THAN  630 words, or an A4 size sheet.