TATri TESTIMONY by Isabel Sanchez Gaviria(Spain):

Lived experience testimony through the TATri Oracle:

This weekend I went out with a friend to buy takeaway at a Chinese restaurant. Since I have been maintaining the Conscious TATri Nutrition, I do not usually eat out of home or something that I have not prepared. But I wanted to share those moments with my friend and experience other flavors without neglecting my TATri Nutrition.

I arrived at the restaurant convinced that I would maintain my nutricional guidelines by not consuming foods that I know I do not need thanks to TATri Conscious Eating. And so I informed the manager of the buffet of what I could and could not eat, so that he could guide me.

After listening to the manager's instructions about the ingredients and foods that the dishes were prepared with, I felt some frustration to see that my menu would be of little variety. So a very curious mental dialogue began in my mind that I also had with my friend and the manager, trying to fool myself with the excuse that a little gluten in what was my favorite food from that place it wouldn't hurt. I discovered that my favorite dish was fried with wheat flour. And my mind took refuge in the phrase that the man at the buffet when he asked me what degree of gluten allergy I had.

My mental dialogue was the following: "If I do not have allergies... I can eat everything and a little of this even if it has gluten and my body even without having an allergy to it I know that it does not need it... I will still eat a little and I will not eat any of this", and at the same time I debated whether to take sushi (for having salmon) or not, and whether to take the cooked ham out of the rice three delicacies or simply not serve it to me.

That same afternoon I had a Practical TATri with Maha Cheli Tara Devi, and at the end of the class she always closes, taking a letter from the TATri Oracle.

My mind was shocked again when I re-experienced TATri Magic as I call it, when I heard the message that it had written:

Maha Cheli Bhakti Sittaram Dasi
(María Isabel Sánchez Gaviria)
DNI: 15405350L
Sevilla, España

TATri TESTIMONY by Ana González (Argentine):

Om TATri Om divine Mataji.

I want to leave my testimonial, something that I felt deeply.

I was thinking of asking you a question today in Your Satsang on Youtube beloved Mataji,  but when I got a card from TATri Vidya Oracle I see the answer to the question I was going to ask you! 

I thank my surrender to this Divine Energy that is my beloved MATAJI. 

Om TATri Om

Yamuna Devi Dasi
(Ana Rosa González)
DNI: 5.159.616

TATri TESTIMONY by Eugenia Pisano (Argentine):

🙏Om TATri Om🙏

I wanted to share a TATri Miracle that started at the TATri Mata Pooja on April 21, 2021:

Every week at the end of the TATri Mata Pooja, I usually take out 1 card from the TATri Vidya Oracle and 1 from the TATri Shishu Vidya Oracle. I leave them on my altar and meditate on them during the week.

At the TATri Mata Pooja that Wednesday, 2 very significant cards came out for me, and I put them on the altar as usual.

To my surprise, and once again, the Magic of the TATri Oracles happened, because having mixed both decks very well, THE SAME CARDS came out again as the previous time... but this does not end there, because this has happened to me with THE SAME CARDS -and having mixed them very well- about 4 times more !!!

The next day, at the end of the TATri Mata Pooja I took the 2 cards and returned them to each deck, thinking about how pertinent and accurate these messages had been for me.

Anyone who has studied a bit of probability calculus will know very well that from a deck of 63 cards and another of 36, that the same card has come out in each one and in turn, the same cards in the 2 decks, it is highly very little probable. In addition it has happened several times in a row makes it REMOTELY even less probable!

And for those of us who already have the certainty of what TATri means in our lives, we know of the MIRACLE that happens when we place our trust in the TATri Vidya that enlightens and sustains us, and that is none other than our SatguruMaji beyond all the forms and at the same time, in all of them.

Beloved Satguruji, may I be open to receive your unfathomable Love that permeates our lifes now and forever.


Maha Bhakti Mahadevi Dasi
(Eugenia Pisano)
DNI 16.974.011