TATri Miracle

My name is Arya Devi and I have been a disciple of Sadhvi Tridevi Ma since 2017.

On January 18, 2021, I had the honor of being invited by Mataji to a TATri rite of fire at my temporary home in Rosario Argentina. Mataji strongly suggested that I focus the days after the rite on anything unusual that happened no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. In general, when we think of miracles and blessings, our mind goes to something desired and that may seem impossible; my mind though, and I verbalized it with Mataji almost like an impertinent whisper "a place to live in Rosario" which, for a number of personal reasons, is like finding the famous "needle in the haystack".

Today, February 28, 2021, a dear friend arrived to greet me, whom I appeal to on occasions where the “chips are down” since I have to leave my temporary home in two days. While we had breakfast we saw web pages of accommodation in Rosario, we talked about furnished apartments and others, we went through many ideas; He practices real estate law and has many contacts. Suddenly, as if out of the blue and at the end of our gathering, as if it were not going to interest me, he began to talk about this place that has been unoccupied for two years and does not have time to take care of, an ex geriatric... It consists of four rooms with private baths, three patios, a study upstairs with a kitchen and a large room. I kind of freaked out. Gustavo instantly gave me the master key and I went to see it immediately. I entered the house and amazement invaded me with the first recognition Adi Shakti Sadhvi Tridevi Ma, a huge tree within the structure of the house. I started jumping and saying "My Ma! My TATri miracle!" My heart cries with emotion as I write it.

My friend Gustavo suggested that in seven days I prepare a work plan for this place where upstairs, separated from the ground floor rooms, there is a beautiful living room with a window facing a tree-lined alley, balcony, and terrace as if waiting for me... my much-desired studio of painting and TATri practices, and at the same time the management with Gustavo of a place of residence, we will see for whom.

Home, art studio, and work, all in one TATri gift. All mine and my friend and "the Divinity that lives me" as Mamaji always reminds us !!!! But the tree, my brothers... the tree... is not just any tree, it is an avocado tree of about 9 meters!
I am thankful Ma, to the confines of the universes!

Jay Ho Adi Shakti Ma Ki!

Jay Ho TATri Mata Shree ki!

Long Live Mamaji!

Aum Bagavate Trideviye Namaha!

I love you Mataji

Arya Devi Dasi 
(Flavia Alejandra Maucci)
DNI: 13.677.324


Om TATri Om 

 I wanted to share with everyone a very deep experience that I lived in my home at the TATri Mata Ashram in Ponferrada some time before our Mataji will perform the Sacred Ceremony of TATri Agni Pooja on 18/02/2021 in which I was blessed to participate in the distance by the Grace of our Mataji.

 While I was in the room performing my end-of-day practices, I had a vision in which I felt as if beings dressed in white would surround me and in particular, I visualized an old gentleman who I felt it like a Templar in his uniform, Mayan coat and with a white beard that years ago in the Manzanedo forest near Ponferrada I saw for the first time. On that occasion the first vision was with open eyes.

 In front of me I felt as if a flame would sprout. Where the altar of the hall is and inside that flame, I felt Kali, Her dark shape and hair passed from the waist, Her size was small.

 All these beings got down on their knees as they contemplated the fire.

 Suddenly the Goddess as she came out of the fire became our Mataji dressed in black with Her very marked features, very white skin and wet hair Very attached to Her body. She advanced towards this elderly gentleman who was the only one who clearly distinguished and in the way to him became into The Master Jesus. The gentleman seeing the Master opened his mouth and eyes. He was ecstatic... I can't explain it in words... It was SEEING HIS MASTER, RESTING IN PEACE... Then I felt a deep peace, and as if everyone had gone in Peace.

 What a great blessing that moment where I perceived how our Mataji  in the invisible takes care of all creatures. The incarnated and disincarnated ones...

  Jai Ho TATri  Mata  Shree  Ki!!

Maha Chela Akash Sanandana Das
(Carlos Becerra Luna)
DNI: 28775543J

Om TATri Om 🙏

I want to share with you the TATri Miracles that happened after the TATri Rite of Fire (Agni). Of which it is the first time I participate and it has been from distance for reasons of world knowledge and because Mamaji has dispose that way.

There were two miracles at an economic level, which I had already forgotten about !!!! and that in Gratitude to the COMPASSION and Divinity of my SATGuruMA, Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Ji, better known as MATAJI, who is the only one who knows what my spirit needs have happened.

First Miracle: occurred the first days after the TATri Rite was performed, I receive confirmation that from May / 2021 I will begin to receive pending money.

The second TATri Miracle occurred at the beginning of March when the 50% increase in the monthly money I receive was made.

Things that were pending and I had them completely erased!!!

Plus I really need it right now!

The third miracle has to do with my health. Beyond not being able to achieve continuity in the practices and among them the TATri Chikitsa diet that Mataji has indicated to me. The "greenish color" of my urine has disappeared, my intestine has recovered 80%, I would say, its correct functionality and the very strong pain that I had in the lumbar level due to intestinal malfunction (to the point that many times I walked bent for days), they were also 80%.

There are no words to express to You Mamaji my gratitude to Your Existence in my life. From Your Accompaniment, your True-Love, your Rescue!!!! 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Beyond everything.

My tears express this feeling from the depths of my chest where I feel you in that emptiness that grows and mutes my mind expanding to every corner of my body.

You are My God, My Jesus as I love to tell you, You are The Divinity Walking on this Earth among us as an Example of a Sacred Human Being Delivered to the Service of the Rescue of our spirits with no other interest that the  True-Love to Our Supreme God and from Him to each one of us all over the world. Being Your Example our inspiration!

Thank you Mamaji for each of Your TATri Blessings in my life.

 "May my ignorant mind never interfere in the certainty of my spirit before the Service and The Steps of my SATGuruMA"

 I love you from always forever.

May God Bless Your Steps today and always Guruji of my life 🙏


Jay Ho TATri MAta Shree Ki! 🙏🌷💐

Aaditi Devi Dasi
(Andrea Luz Feldman)
DNI: 21.922.689

Om TATri Om Mamaji...

I wanted to tell you that last week I applied for a few hours of teaching that came up... they were in the same working hours that I have now, but I applied for them anyway, to see if I would be selected!

I spoke in my actual job to see if those days I could be absent and get paid for less work time and they agreed... I exhausted all my possibilities to be able to do what I enjoy the most: art and teaching.

I am very happy and that is the miracle of the rite for me... I have been in a job for 4 years, which is not what I enjoy doing but it is what helps me to live and support my son... I never stopped trying and now the doors start to open! 

Thank you so much for everything, because I know that by the hand of this you always go with me... and every day that I get up I think about exhausting my possibilities going towards what makes me happy so that my son also receives that... 

I love you!

Gauri Devi Dasi
(Yesica Laghezza)
DNI: 28.916.935 

🙏Om TATri Om🙏

I want to give testimony of a TATri Miracle that occurred on the eve of TATri Aarti and TATri Homa that our Mataji celebrated on April 18, 2021.
All the closest TATri Devotees were preparing to make the trip to Necochea to be able to attend the 2 rites as long as the sanitary restrictions during the quarantine by covid-19 allowed it.

During those days, a TATri Devotee contracted Covid-19 and while she had no symptoms we were in very close contact with her for different reasons (she had recently suffered the loss of her father). We were a total of 9 TATri devotees that were very close until she started with the classic symptoms and took the test, which was positive.

Some of us were potentially at risk, either due to some condition such as diabetes and / or age, etc.
Our Mataji, of course, was aware of everything and instructed us to take the corresponding test as soon as possible to find out if any of us had been infected and that we take the pertinent precautions. She always gives us the example, first exhausting all human possibilities within our grasp. As She always tells us: 'ATTENTION WITHOUT TENSION'.

So we carried out the tests one by one, thinking that perhaps someone would have been infected as being a virus as contagious as it is lethal.

Having been in CLOSE CONTACT due to the above-mentioned circumstances (we even remember having shared an ice cream from the same container), but none of the 9 contracted covid-19. And the only TATri devotee who had been infected, was able to pass it with mild symptoms and deep peace.

Another TATri Miracle of our SatguruMaji, who cares for and protects her devotees as the Loving and Divine Mother SHE IS. Beyond the form and what our limited minds can imagine or come to understand... HER LOVE IS UNSONDABLE.

Maha Bhakti Maha Devi Dasi
(Eugenia Maikia Pisano)
DNI: 16.974.011